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Exporter of popular Rabbi dates

Exporter of popular Rabbi dates

Popular kharma rabbi| The popular Rabi date is one of Iran’s famous semi-dry dates, which is famous for its delicious taste and high

nutritional value. Another name of this date is rabbi. This date is available in different sizes, with a reddish black color and soft texture. They

usually grow from September to October. If you are looking for a nutritious and useful snack and a natural and healthy sweetener, Rabi

dates are a great option!

Where is the birthplace of the popular dates Rabbi?

Sistan and Baluchistan province is the leader in the production of rabbi dates in Iran. The following cities are producers of Rabi dates in

Sistan and Baluchistan province.

Iranshahr, Zabol, Chabahar, Saravan, Khash

Exporter of popular Rabi dates

Rabbi dates export

Pakistan and Afghanistan are the two main buyers of Iranian rabbi dates. Rabi is also exported to many other countries around the world

and is sold in large quantities in the domestic market of Iran.

The unique properties of Rabbi dates

It helps digestion: it provides fiber to prevent constipation.

Rich in vitamins: It contains vitamins A, B and C.

Manages Cholesterol: Helps control blood cholesterol levels.

Athlete’s choice: high protein content is suitable for athletes as a supplement.

Builds strong bones: contains calcium and manganese for bone health.

Healthy hair and skin: supports hair and skin health.

Prevention of anemia: rich in iron to prevent anemia.

Energy storage: contains complex sugars for abundant energy.

Treats digestive problems: Rich in potassium, it helps with diarrhea and digestion.

Strengthening the brain and mood: It supports the brain and nerves and reduces stress.

Fights cancer: rich in antioxidants to prevent various cancers.

Iran grows Rabbi dates in large quantities.

zohreh omidifar

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