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Buying Mazafati dates

Buying Mazafati dates

Buying mazafati dates|One of the best  best-selling, most famous and most popular types of dates that has the most exports and

cultivation in Iran is the Mazafati date, which is known as one of the most valuable and delicious dates in Iran. During the month of

Ramadan every Muslim’s home has a plate of dates on the Iftar and Suhar table and your best choice is the Mazafati date because it has a

long life and also high nutritional value. We will talk more about buying this nutritious and delicious Mazafati date in the following.

Buying Mazafati dates

Conditions for selling and exporting Mazafati dates in the world

Iran, due to its four seasons and its hot dry areas is one of the largest producers of dates in the world, which has high sales and exports in

the Middle East and is also well-sold among the people. Date exports are higher in Middle East countries, especially during the months of

Ramadan and Muharram because most exports are made in this month, and due to the high shelf life of Mazafati dates, this type of date is

more widely purchased and has many fans.

Nutritional value of Mazafati dates

Buy Mazafati dates, which have the highest nutritional value, are among the high-value foods, and dates are an excellent remedy for

diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting due to their high potassium content which is why they are widely consumed and used during the month of

Ramadan. In addition, this type of date is rich in iron and high in sugar which is why its consumption is recommended during the holy

month of Ramadan which is also the peak time for sales of this product.

• Contains fiber
• High potassium
• Contains iron
• Zinc
• Calcium
• Vitamin K
• Improves blood pressure
• Minerals
• Maintains healthy skin
• Maintains healthy hair
• Strengthens the immune system
• Enhances sexual power
• Improves cell function
• Anti-cancer
• High antioxidant
• Controls blood sugar levels in the body
• Strong anti-inflammatory
• Strengthens bones
• Anti-inflammatory gums
• Anti-nausea
• Strengthens the digestive system
• Suitable for athletes
• Energizer

Ali Foad suggests that you, dear audience, do not neglect to eat dates during the day for the health of your body, so that you will both feel

more refreshed and your body will become resistant to diseases.

Buying Mazafati dates

Types of dates exported in Iran

There are different types of dates in Iran and the world and we will explain to you the history of dates and the types of Mazafati simple

and even juicy dates. The date tree is a valuable and sacred tree strong and sturdy, which is interesting to know that in Iran it is counted

with people because of its benefits and applications, that is the palm tree or date tree does not have any waste, its wood trunk, roots, fruit

and everything is used.

Names of Iranian Dates

The names of dates in Iran are Piarom dates, Mazafati dates, Kabkan dates, Rabi dates, Zahedi dates, Shahani dates, Shahabi dates,

Esta’amran dates, Medjool dates, Khasui dates, Sagai dates, Mardasang dates, Khadri dates, Amber dates, Sugar dates, Guntar, Ajvah dates,

Al-Mehtari dates, Safavi dates and Bam dates each of which has its own color taste and aroma.

Characteristics of Iranian Mazafati dates

The Iranian Mazafati dates, which are most popular in the Middle East, are oval in shape and have a soft juicy texture. Their color is black

or dark brown and their skin is shiny and leathery.

Its delicate skin is easily separated from its body and it is interesting to know that in the Middle East, buying Mazafati dates has a lot to do

with their blackness. The blacker they are, the more popular they are and the more people are willing to buy them. It is interesting to know

that Mazafati dates have different names such as black rutabaga bum date and rutabaga Mazafati, which are known in Iran and around

the world.

Tips to follow when buying Mazafati dates

Be sure to buy or export Mazafati dates from a safe farmer or warehouse like Ali Foad so that you do not suffer losses.

The cultivation and cultivation of the date palm dates back more than 7,000 years ago and is one of the oldest edible plants discovered and

consumed by humans.

When buying dates, you should pay attention to ensure that the dates are not pressed together and do not stick to each other, and one of

the signs that the sugar dates are old is that you should definitely check and pay attention to whether there is any plant or small wood

debris in your dates.


The color of the date is very important that you should pay attention to. For example, earthy dark red or dry and black dates indicate that

this heavenly fruit is old so pay attention to the color of the date.


The packaging of the date is another important factor in purchasing, because some dates should be refrigerated, such as Mazafati and

others should be stored in a dry place at normal temperature Be sure to read the date box.

Buying Mazafati dates

Identifying the date model

The date model that we mentioned above has its own special care, for example, the Piarom date has a chocolate and dark brown color. If it

is very black, it means it is spoiled or fake Or the Esta’amran date, one of the valuable features of its thick skin and this date model is

spoiled if it has a thin or cracked skin or the Zahedi date, which has an almost golden color And the skin is relatively thick and should be

stored in a cool and dry place. Of course, this date model will soon sour and spoil due to its softness in a very hot place after being picked

and mixed with water.

Features of Mazafati Dates

The feature of Mazafati dates is that they are juiceless, dark black in color and have an excellent taste. They have a thin skin that should be

stored in a cool and dry place.

Final Words

You are the best choice to buy these dates during Ramadan Ali Foad because we are in touch with the best farmers and exporters in the

world and we are fully prepared to cooperate with you for better and more profits and sales Thank you for being with us.

zohreh omidifar

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